Consulting Services

Support investors, operators, stakeholders

Beyond traditional advisory services, CLC Solution advises and accelerates your business development. We analyze your current situation and provide you with a toolkit to optimize your daily impact on the local ecosystem. Our main consultancy services include:

Local content Diagnostic

The Local Content Diagnostic (LCD) assesses a business’s adherence to local content guidelines, identifies gaps, and reveals opportunities for improvement.

This assessment is crucial for pinpointing areas in need of improvement and strategically prioritizing initiatives.

The goal of Local Content Diagnosis is to evaluate and analyse the level of compliance with local content regulators and deliver practical recommendations to enhance compliance, deepening the organisation’s understanding of Local Content Regulations and their implications.

Scope of service

Benefits of Local Content Diagnostic

• Compliance with Local Content regulations and relationships with local communities and authorities

• Increased operational efficiency through strategic recommendations

• Contributing to local economic development and sustainability

• Strategies into your existing business processes and systems

Local Content diagnostics are advisable for large enterprises to evaluate and track their performance, aiding the formulation of future action plans. Additionally, they are essential for SMEs seeking to compete with robust local content proposals.

This diagnostic serves as an ideal initiation for companies looking to involve their teams by recognizing the impact on local communities where they operate and establishing a baseline for developing expertise in local content relevant to their core business.

Our service evaluates an organization’s conformity to Local Content Requirements (LCR), considering factors such as the percentage of local suppliers and the composition of the local workforce.

Local Content Plan Review

A comprehensive examination of Local Content Plan (LCP) is crucial to ensure they align with the latest requirements, meet specific industry needs, and harmonize with the overall business strategy.

This review identifies potential risks, assesses the feasibility of proposed initiatives, and suggests necessary revisions to enhance the plan’s effectiveness.

Benefits of Local Content Plan Review

• Increased clarity and understanding of local content regulations.

• Enhanced compliance with regulatory requirements.

• Opportunities for collaboration and community engagement.

Scope of service

Our service optimizes your Local Content Plans (LCPs) and strategic documents outlining how your company can maximize local resources following the national Local Content Regulations (LCR). We provide tailored reviews and designs to align with the latest requirements, industry needs to your business strategy.

Local Content Strategy

The Local Content Strategy (LCS) outlines a company’s approach to optimizing the utilization of local goods and services, as well as local talent and skills in its operational activities.

This entails procuring goods and services from local suppliers, employing local workforce, and providing training to local personnel. Furthermore, it involves fostering collaborations with local businesses and communities.

Benefits of Local Content Strategy

• Improved Compliance

• Community Engagement

• Operational Streamlining

Scope of service

The Local Content Strategy (LCS) informs how companies to optimize the utilization of local resources, workforce, and skills. It encompasses sourcing from local suppliers, hiring local talent, locally training personnel, and establishing partnerships with local entities.

Local Content Training

Local Content Training (LCT) is a crucial element in any successful local content initiative and compliance strategy.It plays a pivotal role in ensuring that businesses equip their employees with the awareness, skills, and knowledge needed to effectively implement local content requirements.

The main objectives of LCT are to build a culture of compliance and foster organizational commitment to local content principles.

Scope of service

Our training programs are suitable for a variety of contexts and personal, with more focus on corporate Executives procurement Professionals and Project Managers, local Content Compliance Teams government officials, and Nonprofit groups

Benefits of Local Content Training 

By participating in our training programs, individuals and organizations can expect to benefit from :

• Enhanced understanding of local content regulations and requirements.

• Development of practical strategies for maximizing local content impact.

• Improved procurement practices and project management aligned with local content goals.

• Problem solving approach to support innovation of practices fit to your environment and business specific

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